Join a Family of Multipotentialites

Join a Family of Multipotentialites

Get the support you need to build a life around ALL your interests

Get the support you need to build a life around ALL your interests


Lets face it: There aren’t a lot of resources out there for multipotentialites.

It’s not like you can go to a career counselor and ask how to become a filmmaker-scientist-teacher-artist-nutritionist. Most will look at you like you’re nuts, and then “kindly” explain that “we all have to choose eventually…” You’ve probably had similar discussions with friends and family members.

When the whole world is stuck in this specialist mentality, where do you go for support and guidance?

How do you pull all of your interests together to build a sustainable, beautiful, multifaceted life? How do you actually make a living while doing EVERYTHING you love?

When you’re stuck on a problem, where do you go for advice and accountability? What’s your action plan if your business, career or life feel like they’re just not moving forward? Do you have people in your life who understand how you are wired and respect your multiple passions—even people who have made this work themselves?

Puttyverse Open Mic Night

Introducing, The Puttyverse

The Puttyverse is a space for multipotentialites of all ages, cultures, locations, and levels. We brainstorm, help each other with our many projects, collaborate, co-work, and learn from one another. It’s a really warm place, where everyone understands “what you’re up to” when you have a dozen projects or jump from passion to passion. We’re a truly global community of over 600 multipotentialites and we’d love for you to join us!

The Puttyverse doors open again on October 29 for only 48 hours or 75 new members – whichever comes first. Just click on the button below to get notified the instant we invite new members to join.


I can’t imagine what people who aren’t in the Puttyverse do to get their projects up and running! Seriously, I have no idea what my life would be like if it weren’t for the Puttyverse.

I’ve launched blogs, made friends all over the world, written books, and finally got myself into a daily routine that makes me happy because of the community. Heck, I wouldn’t have been earning my living online for the past two years if it weren’t for the help of the people in there! I am so, so grateful that I came across it when it did. It’s life-changing.

Kiki Head Shot (200x200, Optimized)

I honestly had no idea how powerful being part of a community of brilliant, open, and like-minded individuals could be. Being part of the Puttyverse has opened up a lot of things for me and created quantum shifts in my creativity, confidence, and connections.


Prior to the ‘verse, I’d never met people who understood what I was talking about when I described my interests and challenges. It’s a safe community where people can open up and really discuss problems; that’s a rare and special thing. I’m still surprised at how quickly members get comfortable with each other and have genuine openness.


The comments I got in the Puttyverse critiquing my website were phenomenal. I was absolutely blown away by the level of insight everyone had. I was expecting answers that were much more broad, but people really took the time to go into detail. I’m really grateful to be part of the group in there. Honestly, I love it!


The Puttyverse is everything it says on the tin; a warm, vibrant community of like-minded people. People who will hold you accountable to your goals and dreams, people who will never dismiss you for being different.

But there’s one surprising aspect of Puttyverse that rarely gets mentioned – it increases synergy. I can’t tell you how many opportunities Puttyverse has brought me; opportunities to teach, opportunities to learn, it’s given me a mastermind group, and a blogging support group.

I’ve been OK with my multipod identity for years, and I really didn’t know what Puttyverse would do for me. But my goodness, it’s tremendous what a group of square pegs can accomplish when they don’t have to first demonstrate why the round hole doesn’t work. We just do it!


Before joining the ‘verse, I felt very anxious, unsure, and alone. I had a lot of ideas and things I wanted to do, but I lacked the support and guidance to feel justified in putting them into action.

The Puttyverse has been a huge help to me, emotionally and ambition-wise. Everyone I’ve met here has been super-supportive and very understanding of my ups-and-downs. It’s a safe place for me to express myself, experiment with ideas, and even admit when things aren’t going as well as I’d like.

I credit the community with giving me courage to try my ideas and giving me space to grow as a person. I don’t think I could’ve gotten my Etsy shop open if not for the huddles and support I found here.


The Puttyverse doors open again on October 29 for only 48 hours or 75 new members – whichever comes first. Just click on the button below to get notified the instant we invite new members to join.

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