
Support + Inspiration for Serious Multipotentialites

ETC Series, Ep. 15 – When You Don’t Have to Explain Who You Are with Lindsay Gordon

Little did I know that just a couple weeks before Everything Conference, Lindsay Gordon herself was in Montreal for a visit, just up the road from my little town.

So our conversation today launches straight into the French language, the experience of English speakers when visiting (particularly the different experience between Americans and English Canadians when in Montreal), and how the French in Québec is different from that in France.

That was just the prelude to our conversation. I do a quick run down of Lindsay’s various experiences, jobs and projects, going by the fabulous multipotentialite-friendly About page on her website. This starts about 9 minutes in, if you want to bookmark it. Let’s just say, it’s all over the place, and it’s amazing.

So what happens when someone like Lindsay, who is grudgingly accustomed to deflecting and explaining her life choices to those who love to critique, gets to an Everything Conference, surrounded by people with a similar life story?

You don’t have to explain. Just be.

We Cover:

  • Whether Lindsay’s career coaching business is marketed towards multipotentialites, or if they simply gravitate her way.
  • We’re at a solid, running theme now of folks finding a second wind for those interests and projects they had set aside, or even forgotten about, but which now feel reenergized thanks to this weekend.
  • Publishing a book, or a short-form podcast, and how that gives you an anchor for your brand and identity for years.
  • The thought that Las Vegas, Lindsay’s adopted home town, might just be a perfect place for multipotentialites, and a place we should consider for a future group gatherings.

Tips Include:

  • How to integrate two completely unrelated interests into one business, or at least a regular schedule.
  • Creative ideas on promoting a major project, in Lindsay’s case her book, to stand out and have fun simultaneously.
  • Learning what’s “Right for You” and making decisions that bring us happiness, fulfillment and a healthy work life balance.

To celebrate the book launch in 2022, Lindsay came up with the idea of doing a YouTube live stream, telethon-style, where people could actually call in with special pledges, the milestones of which would be celebrated by a change of outfits. It’s original and hilarious, and veterans of the first Everything Conference, the first Camp Indie, and many other similar events will recognize a familiar face in the background!

Encouragement links:

Photo credit: Lindsay Gordon

The MultiPod @ Everything Conference miniseries

© Quick Edit Podcasts, 2024

Production and original music by Ted Cragg


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