
Support + Inspiration for Serious Multipotentialites

Podcasting Insights with The MultiPod Team – TMP 008

It’s officially episode #8 of The MultiPod and we’re past the milestone when some podcasts risk fading away.

In this experimental episode, you’ll learn about “podfading,” recording, producing, research, and a ton of other topics that go into the making of a podcast.

Our regular hosts, Ted and Sarah, are joined by today’s guest, Vanessa, owner of the Podcast Peep group in the Puttyverse. They discuss the ins-and-outs of making a podcast and their personal stories that have led them to the shows they’re working on today.

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own podcast, get involved in one, or simply learn more about how they’re made, you’ll certainly enjoy today’s discussion.

And remember, The MultiPod is a podcast produced by and for the Puttyverse itself. If you’re an active member and are interested in helping, reach out to the team anytime on the forum or directly to get involved or be on the show. It’s a great way to see what podcasting is like and learn by doing.



You’re about to Learn…

  • How to set podcasting goals and keep production going when roadblocks arise.
  • The challenges of podcasting and how the team commits time to roles behind the scenes.
  • How a podcast gets made (from research, recording, and editing to release).
  • Insights from the team on how to start a podcast and build an audience.

Topics & Timestamps

  • [00:00] Introductions and the power of podcasting reach
  • [10:57] What’s the right balance of focusing on multipotentiality vs. focusing on a topic
  • [14:28] Vanessa’s podcasting history and experience
  • [18:18] Getting a start in podcasting and the podcast community
  • [24:14] Keeping a show going and podcast listening habits of the group
  • [45:10] Four weeks of puttypeep profiles, in a new format!
  • [53:39] Wrap up with Ted and Sara

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode