Because multipotentialites have some trouble choosing our careers, finding focus, or making the commitment…it can be pretty hard to know what to expect when it comes to finding work and establishing a profession.
Longtime Puttyverse member, Leah Waig, joins us on The MultiPod to share her experience, and give inspiration to all those wondering about the path ahead.
She didn’t set out to be a freelancer; she didn’t really even have any specific career or skill-set in mind. But when a chance email and bit of persistence led to her first freelance/remote-work opportunity, it sent her down a path that, 6 years later, she’s still embracing.
Leah and host Ted marvel at the unexpected, serendipitous paths that life can take, especially when you set out on a journey that you don’t even realize you’re setting out on. Join us to pick up useful, inspiring advice on how to pursue freelance work, how to keep yourself open to opportunities, the importance of learning new skills just for the sake of learning, regardless of whether they may directly or quickly lead to a job, and the importance of being persistent.
Topics & Timestamps
- [4:00] When Leah join the Puttyverse, and what she missed when she stepped away
- [4:55] Leah’s “Slash Approach” freelancing
- [6:05] How Leah’s unexpected freelancing career began
- [11:43] The fate of her first employer, but how they helped her get a new start
- [13:39] What was Leah’s response when a potential employer asked her if she could do a certain skill (and she didn’t know how to do it)
- [14:06] Had Leah even set out to be a freelancer in the first place?
- [15:35] Ted’s turn: Does he have any stories about something unexpected and life-changing?
- [20:21] We shift gears, and chat a bit about podcasting, given Leah’s audio background
- [22:30] Okay, back to freelancing: If Leah had to find more freelancing work right away, where would she start looking?
- [26:30] Leah’s advice on the value of learning new things: it’s not all about the jobs and the money
- [28:31] We wrap up by talking about Puttyverse group creative projects, maybe an e-book, and the upcoming Puttycomps event
- [30:16] Your puttypeep profiles for this episode: Rachel and Clody
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
- Leah’s Puttyverse profile –
- Leah’s personal website, a work in progress but beautiful layout, as you’d expect!
- Sparkler Magazine –
- Puttycomp #5 Discussion –
- Rachel’s Puttyverse profile –
- Rachel’s website –
- Clody’s Puttyverse profile –
- Clody’s website –
- Clody’s artist page on the NIMBY Space artist collective website –